So imagine a text based rpg in which you play as a woman who gets trapped in an alternate world where fatness denotes beauty and status. In order to survive you must gain weight to first of all not be mistaken for a slave, and then interact with a world that puts an unusually high emphasis on ones weight. You can climb your way up the social ladder by gaining weight and putting on certain appearances and interact with the right people. Or you can keep to particular low weight to take advantage of your physical prowess (over the heavier natives) and become a member of the society's under belly. I imagine themes between balancing your own needs and desires as to get ahead, but not lose oneself to hedonism and corruption (or perhaps head straight into it whole heartedly). End game could be finding a way back home or become a master of that new world.
This is something that can be done with just narrative, or as a RAGs game with visuals as well. I'm not going to pretend its a unique idea, but I think it's something that could be really cool and relevant to some people of our tastes. So have at it creative peoples, your are free to take the idea if you so wish, no credit is needed. Just share it so that others ( and me ) can enjoy.
In other news, I've just reached a donation milestone! Thanks to your generous donations I now have enough to purchase an Indie License of that Chat Mapper software I mentioned back a few posts ago. While I still have yet to get a good test drive of the software and build the necessary XML parser, I do have high hopes for integrating it with the project and using it as a solution to my dialog and event driving. I wont buy it until I'm certain it works, so for that case it doesn't work out, I'll be able to use the funds for something else. So thanks again for your attention and support, I'm still trucking along but I hope that my next few posts are filled with more exciting updates.