This last weekend I got my hands on a new Solid State Drive. It was a decent deal, a 128 Gb SSD for $95 plus a $20 rebate. I never owned one before, so I re-installed my OS and dedicated software onto the drive to take advantage of its speed and its working quite well. Boot times that were a complete slog now complete in less than a minute and my tools launch reasonably well. I'm looking to finish upgrading my machine with a new high storage HHD and a backup external drive, but I'll be waiting some time for that in order to save and find a good deal.
As far as design changes go, I've been looking at the Farm screen and I've been trying to figure out how to better utilize it as an interface and a primary message screen. Before it was a bit packed with specific functionality with the job assignments as well as the navigation and alerts.
I'm currently designing changes from making it the all in one space to making it the player's "Control Center." This screen will be used primary for displaying the important information that changes day to day as well as provide a base for all navigation to other screens. I'm imagining a sort of system that will allow for daily summary messages that will populate changes in the cow girls, holiday events, crop conditions, etc. From this point, you can use buttons to navigate to screens such as the Barn which will be a combined Cow girl inspector and job assigner. A ledger screen that shows your finances over the course of the game. A full calender that lists important dates. A Storage Menu for managing inventory. Access to town navigation and more.
It isn't too large of a change, but I feel that this will provide relevant information at a glance and ultimately aide the player. I'm still looking into the details of what exactly each of these screens will have, or which will be available, but this should at least provide some idea of what is to come.
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