Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cow Girl Farmer V0.1 Alpha Released!

I had a pretty busy morning so I'm barely getting around to begin work and stream. As always, please follow the link below or on the side bar. The agenda today is getting the final visual elements in place to allow for an alpha release. I'll try to put it out for download after the stream, baring unforeseen consequences. We'll see how things go.

In the stream today I managed to implement a display for time. It shows what shift you are in, the day of the week, month, etc. You will notice that I'm using a Harvest Moon styled calender and this will be important later on in development.

With that taken care of, I'm proud to finally release the first alpha of Cow Girl Farmer!  Its been a long road but the show is just getting started. For now just try it out, tell me what you think and I'll get going with my next plans for the project.

For those unfamiliar with downloading .swf files, all you need to do to run them is open the file with your browser that has Adobe Flash installed. That's it.

Download the CGF_V0.1 here!

1 comment:

  1. well looks quite good so far
    the barn and farmhouse activities seem to be working and leveling ups skills
    date seems to be advancing correctly (at a quick look)
    thats all that changes so far (diet seems to have no effect)
