Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hover Text is In

I've been mostly doing planning and designing for the next few features. The next focus is getting the town and more importantly stores in the game. I have all these other ideas for potential stories and town characters that I have to try and not get carried away.

The one step that I worked on to get the stores working is adding in a proper hover text feature. Many software interfaces use these, as they act as help text for identifying icons and buttons. The system is simple and I can turn any object I want to have a hover text. In the picture below you can see it being applied to the skill icons in the cow inspector. It is dynamic too so it will change size dependent on how many lines of text there are.

This will allow me to shove much of the store item text onto the hover text freeing up screen real estate. I'm imagining having a large box with a scroll bar with the stores inventory represented by square icons in which the player can drag them into a shopping cart. I can do the same for the players inventory in the case they want to sell items. Small buttons at the top would act as tabs to toggle between the different item types a store offers, such as seeds or food. We'll see how that goes.


  1. Does the hover text explain how each of the food items affect the cow girl? Sounds great, anyway.

    1. I intend to make most icons display some sort of information. Right now that would be especially important to the food items. I'll have some sort of explanation through the hover text as well as more foods to utilize soon enough.
