Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Apocalypse Day

Happy Apocalypse day everyone!

This is the first post on the progress for project Epok. So far there’s been great progress on getting the interpretation of Chat Mapper data into flash. The XML parser and data serializer is already complete. I can generally read in most of the useful data such as dialog nodes and keep their hierarchical organization. The obstacle I’m facing currently is dealing with Chat Mapper’s use of Lua for conditional logic. I spent last evening looking around for any readymade Lua to flash interpreters. I was looking at a project called Lufacode but for it not being supported since 2009 I ran into some issues trying to implement it with Epok. I’ll be looking around through other open source projects but if worse comes to worse, I can make a simple script interpreter that will achieve some very basic functionality for the time being.

My hope is to finish up the Lua interpretation and work on the dialog tree navigation this weekend. If I get that all working I’m on the fast track to merging it with my scene manager and dialog box code to create a chat mapper project visualizer. Things seem to be moving a bit faster than I thought so I’ll keep you guys posted.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Announcing Epok

It’s been a while and I’m certain that I've gone and made people worry again. There hasn't been any updates and my posts from before were getting more and more vague. The one promise I did make that I intend to keep was that if I were to ever halt a project, I’d have the decency to tell you guys. I can’t go on misleading you guys any longer and I’m announcing that I have shelved Cow Girl Farmer for the present time.
Yes, yes, I know that it’s a damn shame. I’m pretty upset about it too. Setting a goal and not making it is always a shit deal, but it’s better to bite the bullet and kill it, oppose to allow it to cling on the back of the mind and on others hopes.

So what now?

I've been busy learning plenty of new things at work and playing some interesting games out in the community.  With new ideas and a stronger technical toolbox I am prepared to march into a new project I’m calling “Epok”.

Read the rest after the break...