Sunday, August 4, 2024

More Writing




I wanted to share that writing for My Former Warrior Bride has been progressing. If you check the story, you can see chapters 3 and 4 have been posted. You can find the story on AO3. In these new chapters, there’s more world building and finally a little bit of teasing with growth. For the next chapters, I plan to dive into the fun bits where our heroine starts to really grow.

I find writing this story has been pretty energizing, and I’m looking into refining and building a few more stories to draw inspiration from and create new game ideas. Unfortunately, I’ve fallen into another rut with developing Piety as I am just not satisfied with AI generated art for its visuals. I may work on a side game project if a story works its way out of my head. It’s annoying going from one thing to another,  but I figure any development is good development compared to how time was spent the past few months. Maybe by the next post I will be able to share more.

See you around,

Tick Tock

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Story Release! - My Former Warrior Bride



Sorry for the absence! But I come bearing gifts. I have posted my first 2 chapters of my “Former Warrior Bride” on Archive of Our Own which can be found here. Enjoy, and add comments.

As for being gone for two months, I have come to the startling conclusion, that I may have ADHD. This may be unsurprising to those familiar with the ADHD, and my terrible history of dropping projects. You can only read so many ADHD memes before you ask yourself why does this sound so familiar to me? Anyway, I’m going to get some professional help, and in the meantime I’ve implemented some helpful strategies I’ve learned through reading “Your Life Can Be Better” by Douglas A. Puryear. I feel more productive this week compared to the last 2 months. Lets hope this means more progress! While I can’t guarantee what the next update will be about, I intend to continue working on “Former Warrior Bride” and more importantly, Piety.

See you later.

Tick Tock

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Taking a Detour


Been a bit busy doing un-fun, not project related stuff all this month and didn’t get to progress much. I’ve been occupied searching for side gigs to cover keep afloat. It’s pretty brutal when the Japanese yen keeps getting clobbered by the US dollar, so it’s like getting pay cuts month to month .

That’s not what you are here for, so I’ll try to put together what minor updates I have been up to. I’ve written the first chapter of the story “My former warrior bride”. I’d like to get at least two or three done before sharing. I’ll try and pair it with some graphics if I can wrangle things. I’d love to get some feedback ASAP so it will help with the writing of Piety.

Right now is Golden week, so I’m hoping to use some of the down time to continue writing and maybe get a few bites on gig work. I’m committed to get posts at least once a month, so let’s hope May gets a bit more activity.

See you around.

Tick Tock