Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Story Release! - My Former Warrior Bride



Sorry for the absence! But I come bearing gifts. I have posted my first 2 chapters of my “Former Warrior Bride” on Archive of Our Own which can be found here. Enjoy, and add comments.

As for being gone for two months, I have come to the startling conclusion, that I may have ADHD. This may be unsurprising to those familiar with the ADHD, and my terrible history of dropping projects. You can only read so many ADHD memes before you ask yourself why does this sound so familiar to me? Anyway, I’m going to get some professional help, and in the meantime I’ve implemented some helpful strategies I’ve learned through reading “Your Life Can Be Better” by Douglas A. Puryear. I feel more productive this week compared to the last 2 months. Lets hope this means more progress! While I can’t guarantee what the next update will be about, I intend to continue working on “Former Warrior Bride” and more importantly, Piety.

See you later.

Tick Tock

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