Monday, December 5, 2011
Minor Update
Tried to stream for an hour but had to end early due to some unplanned business. Some minor reworkings done but will most likely finish those portions later in the evening. Will try to better plan an interrupt free stream for next time.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Working on Engine Revamping
I did a stream for the 2 - 3 hours I was working. Next time I'm working I'll plop another posting with a notice and link. Later I'll update with the work/change logs.
This time around I got to reworking the engine shortfalls I had. I was mostly rewriting some of my screen management code to make better use of the shared objects that will span the various game screens such as the primary dialog box, alert notifications, and help text boxes.
The next primary goal would be to create the interactive features such as buttons and drag and drop interfaces, that have all the bells and whistles that the default flash code just doesn't provide.
It may sound like I'm doing a lot of stuff all over again, but I have the benefit of the previous code to compare and improve. So hopefully things go through fairly smoothly. I may try to get another stream in Sunday evening, or at least Monday afternoon.
This time around I got to reworking the engine shortfalls I had. I was mostly rewriting some of my screen management code to make better use of the shared objects that will span the various game screens such as the primary dialog box, alert notifications, and help text boxes.
The next primary goal would be to create the interactive features such as buttons and drag and drop interfaces, that have all the bells and whistles that the default flash code just doesn't provide.
It may sound like I'm doing a lot of stuff all over again, but I have the benefit of the previous code to compare and improve. So hopefully things go through fairly smoothly. I may try to get another stream in Sunday evening, or at least Monday afternoon.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I did it again, didn't I? Let's try this once more
It's been a while and I've fallen off the radar like I seem to do every so often. It's not the best trait to have, but it's something I'm actively working on fixing. So while I doubt more words will do anything to assuage any hurt feelings or neglect, I feel it's best to give a summary of the current situation.
I'm done with University. I'm free to go and walk the land without homework looming in the background. This also means I'm actively job hunting and will eventually (God willing) get a job. In the mean time that gives me extra time to focus on this project.
I've gain plenty of flash experience working on a game project I did using Scaleform and have some fresh new ideas on implementing the game. This however requires me to take a few steps back and rework lots of engine things that are now cringe-worthy to me.
I have a pretty good action plan on what I want to develop for this game in terms of the scope and the stages of development but will still be willing to discuss potential features and ideas for the game. I'll try to resurrect my forum postings once things get moving again.
As for streams, I'll probably try using them again as they work as a good motivator and prevents me from doing other things like playing Skyrim. I'll give a heads up when I will try and get another steam schedule going.
Here's to the nth go at making Cow Girl Farmer!
I'm done with University. I'm free to go and walk the land without homework looming in the background. This also means I'm actively job hunting and will eventually (God willing) get a job. In the mean time that gives me extra time to focus on this project.
I've gain plenty of flash experience working on a game project I did using Scaleform and have some fresh new ideas on implementing the game. This however requires me to take a few steps back and rework lots of engine things that are now cringe-worthy to me.
I have a pretty good action plan on what I want to develop for this game in terms of the scope and the stages of development but will still be willing to discuss potential features and ideas for the game. I'll try to resurrect my forum postings once things get moving again.
As for streams, I'll probably try using them again as they work as a good motivator and prevents me from doing other things like playing Skyrim. I'll give a heads up when I will try and get another steam schedule going.
Here's to the nth go at making Cow Girl Farmer!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Working on activity selection and other interfaces
My Livestream is now Over.
I've managed to figure out the bug as to why my activity buttons were not accessible. It had to do with a layer issue with an invisible object covering the buttons. Go figure. I'm going to have to reorganize how I'm passing arguments between my click events as its getting to be a pain to manage. I'll most likely figure this out outside of a stream as I imagine it's boring as hell to watch me figure out.
In other news, I've speced out my cow girl weight and figure system that will use a slight modification of my old weight system from my previous game. It will deal with a calorie system that calculates how many calories a character consumes/burns in a day and would modify them at the start of the following day. So that will be interesting to see in action.
I will most likely not be streaming until next week Thursday or Friday but I'll keep updates coming if I find time on the side.
I've managed to figure out the bug as to why my activity buttons were not accessible. It had to do with a layer issue with an invisible object covering the buttons. Go figure. I'm going to have to reorganize how I'm passing arguments between my click events as its getting to be a pain to manage. I'll most likely figure this out outside of a stream as I imagine it's boring as hell to watch me figure out.
In other news, I've speced out my cow girl weight and figure system that will use a slight modification of my old weight system from my previous game. It will deal with a calorie system that calculates how many calories a character consumes/burns in a day and would modify them at the start of the following day. So that will be interesting to see in action.
I will most likely not be streaming until next week Thursday or Friday but I'll keep updates coming if I find time on the side.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Dusting off the Blog Back to Work!
Its been nearly a month so I figured I better get back in the spot light before the usual questions prop up. Yes, I'm still working on the project. No, I haven't made a ton of progress of late. And yes, I'm committed to seeing this thing through.
I think I've found sound weekly time to get to work on this, namely on Thursdays and Fridays, unless I'm cramming for my classes. So in order to put some further emphasis on keep active on my work, I'm going to be playing a little with Livestream. All the cool kids seem to be doing it. I'm in fact going to see if I can run it right now and do a bit of live streaming right now. Check the link below once I figure out what it is.
My Livestream
If you decide to jump on and watch, go ahead and ask me any questions and I may answer. I can't say I'm as interesting or charismatic as say Fenoxo, but we'll see.
EDIT: Stream is over. Seemed like a good test I'm going to aim to stream again Thursday 9/29 at around 1PM Central time.
I think I've found sound weekly time to get to work on this, namely on Thursdays and Fridays, unless I'm cramming for my classes. So in order to put some further emphasis on keep active on my work, I'm going to be playing a little with Livestream. All the cool kids seem to be doing it. I'm in fact going to see if I can run it right now and do a bit of live streaming right now. Check the link below once I figure out what it is.
My Livestream
If you decide to jump on and watch, go ahead and ask me any questions and I may answer. I can't say I'm as interesting or charismatic as say Fenoxo, but we'll see.
EDIT: Stream is over. Seemed like a good test I'm going to aim to stream again Thursday 9/29 at around 1PM Central time.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
(Non)Progress Report and School
It's been a while since I last posted so I felt it was necessary to get some sort of report out to you guys. Life has been pretty busy and hectic the last few days; with money problems and school starting back up. So I've been a bit busy taking care of a few things. Because of these things, getting work done on the game this week has been very difficult so I have little to say on progress.
But fear not! I'm still fully committed on going through with this project and getting towards that alpha and beta and stable end product whatever that may become.
Sorry I couldn't say the wait was for an awesome preview but I felt that it was better to say something than keep you guys in the dark. Once I get back into the groove of my classes I'll be able to find and schedule the time I can work on the project (and maybe regulate my postings times). At the very least I should be able to get some work done either tonight or tomorrow evening.

Pic by Woot
But fear not! I'm still fully committed on going through with this project and getting towards that alpha and beta and stable end product whatever that may become.
Sorry I couldn't say the wait was for an awesome preview but I felt that it was better to say something than keep you guys in the dark. Once I get back into the groove of my classes I'll be able to find and schedule the time I can work on the project (and maybe regulate my postings times). At the very least I should be able to get some work done either tonight or tomorrow evening.
Pic by Woot
Friday, September 2, 2011
Building Interfaces 2
I've been working intensely on figuring out the interfaces for the game. I've gotten to the point where I can go from the main menu through to the character creation, the cow selection, and prologue info all the way to the farm screen. Mind you that most of those are place holders at the moment, but they are all set to go with the addition of some actual content.
The majority of the time I've spent on getting the farm screen and interface going. I've gotten the basic layout set up, but need to get the functionality in. So far drag and drop icons are all working and fitting into the correct slots. The current issue is building the back end that reads and writes information based on those icons positions. Almost done with that but its still a bit of a head ache.
After this is working I'll add a few activities and see if I can get cows to actually perform them using the drag and drop interface. After that is items and stores and maybe alpha testing. Maybe.
In-case you haven't tired of my code talk, I've also hacked together a quick c++ console program that stitches multiple xml files into a single xml. This way I can create folder hierarchies with grouped sets of events so I don't waste time searching one giant list of events for any particular thing. This should help a ton as I'm expecting to write hundreds of independent xml objects. This should also help when people are creating their own events as they can work in files separate from the core xml.
Things are looking good, but another weekend of full time work is going to drain me, so hopefully I'll find the time (and energy) to get some more coding in.
Also check out the other people's games I've listed on the side here, as many of them are updating like mad.
The majority of the time I've spent on getting the farm screen and interface going. I've gotten the basic layout set up, but need to get the functionality in. So far drag and drop icons are all working and fitting into the correct slots. The current issue is building the back end that reads and writes information based on those icons positions. Almost done with that but its still a bit of a head ache.
After this is working I'll add a few activities and see if I can get cows to actually perform them using the drag and drop interface. After that is items and stores and maybe alpha testing. Maybe.
In-case you haven't tired of my code talk, I've also hacked together a quick c++ console program that stitches multiple xml files into a single xml. This way I can create folder hierarchies with grouped sets of events so I don't waste time searching one giant list of events for any particular thing. This should help a ton as I'm expecting to write hundreds of independent xml objects. This should also help when people are creating their own events as they can work in files separate from the core xml.
Things are looking good, but another weekend of full time work is going to drain me, so hopefully I'll find the time (and energy) to get some more coding in.
Also check out the other people's games I've listed on the side here, as many of them are updating like mad.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Building Interfaces
Hey peoples, I've been pretty busy with a part time job this weekend, but I wanted to share with the progress I've made thus far. Much of the back end is done especially the text parser and the event system I've implemented. The other parts will be implemented as their needs arise.
The focus these past few days has been creating the interfaces in which the game will be played in. Essentially, these are the screens in which all the action will happen in. I'm not quite sure if I'm using the most efficient setup, but I have movieclip objects for each of those possible screens which a manager will actively toggle and switch between depending on the needs of a particular event. Since I'm using Flash Builder 4.5 to develop this game, I'm now able to import graphics and objects I make directly into the project. This is great as the Debugger can recognize these and actually provide useful information instead of just telling me I borked it. Soon I'll have a small portion of the game flow working, such as player creation and limited options for cow girl activities. Will probably quite a few weeks more before I being asking for alpha testers to get in on this.
As far as the idea front, I'm drawing blanks. Just been so busy with other stuff that all I can do is aim for getting this game working. There have been some more good ideas discussed in the forums and I'll be digging through some of those when I get my head a bit more clear.

The focus these past few days has been creating the interfaces in which the game will be played in. Essentially, these are the screens in which all the action will happen in. I'm not quite sure if I'm using the most efficient setup, but I have movieclip objects for each of those possible screens which a manager will actively toggle and switch between depending on the needs of a particular event. Since I'm using Flash Builder 4.5 to develop this game, I'm now able to import graphics and objects I make directly into the project. This is great as the Debugger can recognize these and actually provide useful information instead of just telling me I borked it. Soon I'll have a small portion of the game flow working, such as player creation and limited options for cow girl activities. Will probably quite a few weeks more before I being asking for alpha testers to get in on this.
As far as the idea front, I'm drawing blanks. Just been so busy with other stuff that all I can do is aim for getting this game working. There have been some more good ideas discussed in the forums and I'll be digging through some of those when I get my head a bit more clear.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Text Parser Progress and Story Ideas
I finally got around to hammer out some more code today. I think I figured out the Regular Expression stuff so it should be a bit easier writing the next bit of my text parser. So far my parser can read in specific functions with custom arguments in the XML files that will automatically grab relevant information from the game. This is a vital piece for my conditional logic for sorting events that can be activated at any one moment.
Pretty awesome, but its only 1/3 of a single function. Progress is progress though.
In non-code news, I've been thinking about the back story for the game while riding the train. In a forum thread I mentioned that I wanted to put the setting in an ambiguous modern day rural area. The kinda setting you get from My Neighbor Totoro. A place seemingly behind the times due to its rural nature and where strange magical things can happen.
As for the reason for cow girls, I was toying with the idea of a human breast milk craze becoming the natural order in this world, effectively replacing regular dairy over the span of a decade or so. To fill this demand, an ultra corporation effectively gets indentured servitude legalized for gathering "employees" that work full time as human cows. Something mysterious happens and the ultra corporation collapses completely creating a void for the supply of milk and leaves the twisted laws behind. Therefore "organic" farms pop up everywhere trying to fill in the supply while taking advantage of the new slog of workers that either sell themselves or are forced by debt.
Kind of a twisted situation to not have to call the cows slaves, but "indentured servants." I'll take any constructive criticism for this idea and try to improve on it.
Finally, I was thinking that it would be great as part of the player's origin to start with a default cow girl of their choosing which would set the initial theme of the game. The first character I've imagined is Matty, a young, cheerful girl that grew up in the nearby town. She always had a love for the farm life and repeatedly visited the farm you currently use before it was converted from using regular dairy cows. She has a fascination with cows and wants to try and become one herself with your help. The only thing is, that she has hardly anything to work with, being a tiny thing with no curves to speak of or any practical farm hand knowledge despite her love of farms. She offers herself to be your indentured servant with the potential to be a great cow girl for your farm.
More ideas to come.

Pic by Katou Hayabusa
Pretty awesome, but its only 1/3 of a single function. Progress is progress though.
In non-code news, I've been thinking about the back story for the game while riding the train. In a forum thread I mentioned that I wanted to put the setting in an ambiguous modern day rural area. The kinda setting you get from My Neighbor Totoro. A place seemingly behind the times due to its rural nature and where strange magical things can happen.
As for the reason for cow girls, I was toying with the idea of a human breast milk craze becoming the natural order in this world, effectively replacing regular dairy over the span of a decade or so. To fill this demand, an ultra corporation effectively gets indentured servitude legalized for gathering "employees" that work full time as human cows. Something mysterious happens and the ultra corporation collapses completely creating a void for the supply of milk and leaves the twisted laws behind. Therefore "organic" farms pop up everywhere trying to fill in the supply while taking advantage of the new slog of workers that either sell themselves or are forced by debt.
Kind of a twisted situation to not have to call the cows slaves, but "indentured servants." I'll take any constructive criticism for this idea and try to improve on it.
Finally, I was thinking that it would be great as part of the player's origin to start with a default cow girl of their choosing which would set the initial theme of the game. The first character I've imagined is Matty, a young, cheerful girl that grew up in the nearby town. She always had a love for the farm life and repeatedly visited the farm you currently use before it was converted from using regular dairy cows. She has a fascination with cows and wants to try and become one herself with your help. The only thing is, that she has hardly anything to work with, being a tiny thing with no curves to speak of or any practical farm hand knowledge despite her love of farms. She offers herself to be your indentured servant with the potential to be a great cow girl for your farm.
More ideas to come.
Pic by Katou Hayabusa
Cow Girl Farmer,
Story Ideas,
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Working on XML System and Stuff to Come.
I've been pretty busy with other commitments at the moment but I wanted to share a bit about my tests with XML. It is looking pretty fantastic right and I plan on dumping a ton of effort into using it as a primary engine component for storing the majority of the game's data. The idea is to steer away from hard coding much of the expandable features of the game such as items, events, flags, attributes, effects, etc and use robust wrappers to account for all the sort of random things a developer would want to make. Want to create a quest line where you can find the legendary potion of the fertility goddess? You will be able to set up a series of events that can land you the rare potion item that gives entirely new attributes or effects that cause your character to grow in any numerous ways. Certainty you can be more creative that that, but that's the goal with this system.
For those inclined, here's a sample of what an item may look like in xml.
<item name = "apple">
<effect>targetCow.Health + 10</effect>
A delicious red fruit. Known for keeping medical staff at bay.
You will be able to add numerous effects as well as custom ones by adding entries into a separate xml file for effects. I'll try to provide a guide for using this stuff once it gets there.
While this XML stuff is great, I'm currently stuck on writing much of the complex parsers needed to read all this random bit of information. I'm knocking my head against the wall a bit, but I've managed to find an opensource string to math expression parser made just for Actionscript 3.0. I also rediscovered something called "RegExp" or Regular Expressions, something I used for finding and replacing specific text in my last game. Apparently it's much more powerful (and convoluted) than I originally thought, and may prove useful to this part of the engine.
Once this is all taken care of, a HUGE part of the game will be done. Still, it will still be time before I start grabbing alpha testers as I haven't even begun getting any actual interfaces yet. Hopefully that will also mean more previews and less walls of text. Time will tell. And if you actually read this far user, I thank you with this awesome image below.

Milk Maid by Gunneko on Pixiv
For those inclined, here's a sample of what an item may look like in xml.
<item name = "apple">
<effect>targetCow.Health + 10</effect>
A delicious red fruit. Known for keeping medical staff at bay.
You will be able to add numerous effects as well as custom ones by adding entries into a separate xml file for effects. I'll try to provide a guide for using this stuff once it gets there.
While this XML stuff is great, I'm currently stuck on writing much of the complex parsers needed to read all this random bit of information. I'm knocking my head against the wall a bit, but I've managed to find an opensource string to math expression parser made just for Actionscript 3.0. I also rediscovered something called "RegExp" or Regular Expressions, something I used for finding and replacing specific text in my last game. Apparently it's much more powerful (and convoluted) than I originally thought, and may prove useful to this part of the engine.
Once this is all taken care of, a HUGE part of the game will be done. Still, it will still be time before I start grabbing alpha testers as I haven't even begun getting any actual interfaces yet. Hopefully that will also mean more previews and less walls of text. Time will tell. And if you actually read this far user, I thank you with this awesome image below.
Milk Maid by Gunneko on Pixiv
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Design Phase in Progress
The discussions on the forums have been pretty great. Many ideas have been tossed around and the game concept is looking much better than what I initially conceived. I'm also quite pleased to see the excitement for this sort project as that's what I feel pushes developers towards finishing what they started.
Conceptually, I see this game looking similar to Daisy Strike's Other World game with the multiple characters being trained simultaneously at a single home, but our big feature is transformations over time. In other words, all sorts of weight gain and body expansion, and a few body modifications. Early versions of the game will use merely text and unspecific images, but I imagine getting something as awesome as the paper dolls Daisy Strike is using with all the various stages of growth. That will depend if I ever get some dedicated artist on board, but that's something to think about for a later time.
For now, I'm still wrestling with some design choices, like what activities to have, what sort of cow girl job specifications to use, and even the exact setting. I'm also testing out some game engine features by experimenting with stuff using XML files for loading content and some other not so fancy things.
Lastly, I want to keep this project pretty open and transparent, so I'm seeing about getting either a google group or a pbworks site, and see if I can get a subversion server from Assembla or something. I'll see how to give people access at the appropriate times.
Conceptually, I see this game looking similar to Daisy Strike's Other World game with the multiple characters being trained simultaneously at a single home, but our big feature is transformations over time. In other words, all sorts of weight gain and body expansion, and a few body modifications. Early versions of the game will use merely text and unspecific images, but I imagine getting something as awesome as the paper dolls Daisy Strike is using with all the various stages of growth. That will depend if I ever get some dedicated artist on board, but that's something to think about for a later time.
For now, I'm still wrestling with some design choices, like what activities to have, what sort of cow girl job specifications to use, and even the exact setting. I'm also testing out some game engine features by experimenting with stuff using XML files for loading content and some other not so fancy things.
Lastly, I want to keep this project pretty open and transparent, so I'm seeing about getting either a google group or a pbworks site, and see if I can get a subversion server from Assembla or something. I'll see how to give people access at the appropriate times.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Restarting Blog - New Game in the Works
I'd first like to apologize to those that enjoyed playing the Feeder Fantasy Game I've created. I must confirm your suspicions, but I have ceased all work on that project. It was a combo of personal loss of interest, awfully limited code, and too many other awesome text games to play. Check my side bar for some other projects I've discovered that are just terribly awesome.
But I know no one likes excuses, so on that note, I'd like to point to my new project which I will tentatively refer to as Cow Girl Farmer or something like that (name pending). The basic premise of this game is that you are a farmer that specializes in raising Cow Girls. You will raise them to help out around the farm and provide milk to sell to the nearby town. Sexiness and potential transformations are all intended. I know not all FAs are into anthros, and that's not necessarily the focus of the game, but the promising points to this will be raising cow girls to have big lactating boobs and widening bodies to aide at that end.
Now mind you this is all strictly in the pre-production phase and designs are being drawn up as soon as the ideas begin to flow. I've started a few discussions on some forums to generate ideas for features and some ideas are looking pretty neat. If you'd like to participate you are more than welcome to reply here or check out the process forums.
Just a note for the current aims of this project.
Thanks for sticking around and I hope this one is fun for everyone.
But I know no one likes excuses, so on that note, I'd like to point to my new project which I will tentatively refer to as Cow Girl Farmer or something like that (name pending). The basic premise of this game is that you are a farmer that specializes in raising Cow Girls. You will raise them to help out around the farm and provide milk to sell to the nearby town. Sexiness and potential transformations are all intended. I know not all FAs are into anthros, and that's not necessarily the focus of the game, but the promising points to this will be raising cow girls to have big lactating boobs and widening bodies to aide at that end.
Now mind you this is all strictly in the pre-production phase and designs are being drawn up as soon as the ideas begin to flow. I've started a few discussions on some forums to generate ideas for features and some ideas are looking pretty neat. If you'd like to participate you are more than welcome to reply here or check out the process forums.
Just a note for the current aims of this project.
- This is Text Based Flash game.
- I'm looking to add character images and perhaps other art assets.
- No combat system (An anti-feature I know D: )
- Easily mod-able with custom events and items
- Ability to raise at least a few cow girls at a time
- Breast growth due to lactation, potions and/or food
- Other forms of body expansion, especially dealing with manageable weight and diets
- Relationship building with cow girls
- This will be a free and open game
Thanks for sticking around and I hope this one is fun for everyone.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Busy with Work
Work on this project has been slow due to finals. I have written out some scripts for specific item feedings and a few of the bursting scenes, but I have not gotten around to implementing them yet. As soon as those parts are in I'm really going to slow down development on FFTG and work on the next iteration, a feeder dating game.
The lesson learned here is to have a decently working product before showing it around. But I think it has been a good experiment otherwise. Thank you everyone for the help testing it out. For the next game I badly need to get in contact with some writers to help me flesh out my story and get the paths all written out before development starts. If there are any writers out there interested in giving me some advice or a helping hand in developing my current plot, shoot me an email and we can talk.
The next week will be pretty busy with more finals, so don't expect that new version coming out for a bit.
The lesson learned here is to have a decently working product before showing it around. But I think it has been a good experiment otherwise. Thank you everyone for the help testing it out. For the next game I badly need to get in contact with some writers to help me flesh out my story and get the paths all written out before development starts. If there are any writers out there interested in giving me some advice or a helping hand in developing my current plot, shoot me an email and we can talk.
The next week will be pretty busy with more finals, so don't expect that new version coming out for a bit.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
FFTG V0.31 Released
Hey peoples. I've just released the newest version of the game. I had to fix that crazy bug with the win/lose scene that basically broke my mechanic. Hopefully there aren't anymore problems in that area.
As for new stuff, I've put in my potion limitations mechanic. The basic idea is that you need to earn them by increasing the girl's lust by 10%. I'll need to add a potion that lowers lust so that the player can earn more points to gain more potions or think of another way to earn them.
The second major implementation is a first pass on the button rollover help text. It's in and it automatically scales depending on how much text I stick in there. :D The only issue is that I've only had time to add help text to the girl selection buttons, but think of it as a taste of more to come.
As for further development this week you can pretty much expect nothing from me, unless its some sort of major bug fix. I'm going to ACEN this weekend, and assuming the rapture doesn't ruin things it will be pretty awesome. I'll be staying away from a computer for the most part and having fun so no more coding until it's all over.
Version 0.31 Change Log:
As for new stuff, I've put in my potion limitations mechanic. The basic idea is that you need to earn them by increasing the girl's lust by 10%. I'll need to add a potion that lowers lust so that the player can earn more points to gain more potions or think of another way to earn them.
The second major implementation is a first pass on the button rollover help text. It's in and it automatically scales depending on how much text I stick in there. :D The only issue is that I've only had time to add help text to the girl selection buttons, but think of it as a taste of more to come.
As for further development this week you can pretty much expect nothing from me, unless its some sort of major bug fix. I'm going to ACEN this weekend, and assuming the rapture doesn't ruin things it will be pretty awesome. I'll be staying away from a computer for the most part and having fun so no more coding until it's all over.
Version 0.31 Change Log:
- Fixed Bug with Win/Lose scenes not resetting game data.
- Fixed Bug when choosing menu items could skip Win/Lose.
- Fixed Some spelling mistakes.
- Implemented potion restrictions
- Add button rollover help text (Few buttons have text yet)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Feeder Fantasy Text Game V0.30 Released
I have just released my latest version of my Feeder Fantasy Text Game which can be downloaded at the link located on the side bar. It is built on Flash Builder 4.5 using my personal text game engine. It uses Flash Player so please have it instaled in order to play. Check the Readme.txt file inside for addition information.
For those unfamiliar with this game, it's my attempt at making a Feeder/ FA themed text game which was inspired by works from the users Xadera and Fenoxo at furaffinity This game does not have any fur related themes however. These games are primary text based with button interfaces to progress and play and do not rely on images for depiction. While their games are adventures, the Feeder Fantasy game (in its current form) is only about a single event.
The basic premise of FFTG is that you are a nefarious chef with a date. After slipping your date a special appetite enhancer she becomes ravenously hungry which you are more than obliged to assist. The stimulant causes the food she eats to rapidly metabolize into pure fat upon her body. Your goal is to raise her lust enough by balancing her mood through the food you feed her while altering her body to your own desires. Raise it enough and you score.
It's crass, and ill contrived women objectification at best but hey- I know some of us like it.
Current Features:
This is a work in progress, so expect updates around a weekly basis. I'm pretty busy at the moment so do not be disheartened if updates come in slowly. Feel free to share your comments below.
For those unfamiliar with this game, it's my attempt at making a Feeder/ FA themed text game which was inspired by works from the users Xadera and Fenoxo at furaffinity This game does not have any fur related themes however. These games are primary text based with button interfaces to progress and play and do not rely on images for depiction. While their games are adventures, the Feeder Fantasy game (in its current form) is only about a single event.
The basic premise of FFTG is that you are a nefarious chef with a date. After slipping your date a special appetite enhancer she becomes ravenously hungry which you are more than obliged to assist. The stimulant causes the food she eats to rapidly metabolize into pure fat upon her body. Your goal is to raise her lust enough by balancing her mood through the food you feed her while altering her body to your own desires. Raise it enough and you score.
It's crass, and ill contrived women objectification at best but hey- I know some of us like it.
Current Features:
- Original (Somewhat) story
- Weight gain displayed through measurements and dynamic physical descriptions
- Three different girls that have varying body types
- Ability to Load and Save games
- Large variety of food items with unique feeding descriptions (WIP)
- Potion items for target area growth
This is a work in progress, so expect updates around a weekly basis. I'm pretty busy at the moment so do not be disheartened if updates come in slowly. Feel free to share your comments below.
Friday, May 13, 2011
New Blog
Hello. This is going to be my place of work where I share some of game creations. A big warning to those that are unaware, these games are of adult nature and of particular interests. FAs and others are welcome, but tread at your own peril. If you want some good clean fun, go and try to find my regular blog which wont be posted here. That's for sure.
I'll be fixing up this page and post up my current projects as soon as I get the chance.
I'll be fixing up this page and post up my current projects as soon as I get the chance.
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