Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy new years everyone!

Just wanted to provide a small update on the project Epok status. After much research and searching, I've discovered that my original goal of just finding a Lua interpreter coded in Flash was pretty crazy and short sighted of me. It looks like these things just aren't normally done since creating such an interface between flash and other languages is hugely inefficient. The closest things to what I wanted, Lufacode, only dealt with compiled Lua code making it completely useless to me.

This leads me towards utilizing alternate plan I mentioned in my previous post, building a custom script interpreter. While this problem isn't that foreign to me, it is still a steep one to climb. I've been doing research on building a proper one so I know that I'm at least on the right track. The integration with ChatMapper will still work as I can insert additional scripts fields into the output dialog xml. So yeah, this one will keep me busy a while longer.

On other news, I've been in talks with another user about collaborating with his team on CGF. It's still really early but I just wanted to let you guys know that there's still plenty of interest in getting that game idea executed. I'll give more information as that situation develops.


  1. If it isn't to much of an hassle. could the next CGF update come sooner and just have save files. that's mainly what im wishing for.

    love your stuff. keep up the good work

  2. A splendid day, good sir,

    I've recently played your current CGF version (V0.12b) and I have to say, for a one-man project it is already very nice/addictive, despite it's early development stage.
    Quite a few of your ideas were displayed and it looks very promissing to me.
    Especially the "dialog", as limited as it may be right now, was very enjoyable.
    But were there is praise, there has to be some blame too. I don't want to criticize you about too trivial things. As you posted, much more improvements/additions are planned and those will come in due time, I'm sure about it.
    Howerver, I'ld still like to give you a pointer or two, if you don't mind.

    The money you get from the milk and the maximum amount of milk you can get from a girl is rather scarce. I'm sure, that you will rearrange all that, as soon as you have created all (or at least most) of the purcaseable items/services.
    Speaking of the amount of milk a girl can provide - it seems, that you have limited it to the milking level only, disregarding their messurements. I'm sure you will include that feature too later on, I found a little irregularity though (more about that in the next point).
    Hopefully you will include some means of training your girls in later versions, since it's quite sad to make them reach their "perfect" messurements and then slowly outgrow it. I did experiment a little, trying to make them loose some "excess weight". I even succeeded... well partially. By managing sexual intercourse daily and setting their diet to hay, the girls will loose their curves little by little. However, their actual weight continued to grow steadily. Maybe you can link their weight to their messurements as well as to the devoured food?

    And that's enough for now. Much more and I'ld start ranting, which I don't want to, seeing how much effort you already put into this sample.
    I encourage you to keep working on this game, at least until version 1 is out. It has potential, no doubt and I'ld really like to see a completed version one day.
    And with this, I have to bid you a temporary farewell. May your progress be steady and the complications small (or for short: I wish you the best of luck).

    Sincerely, Dragonknight.
