Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Epok Engine Update 2

Hello again. I've been steadily working on the engine and managed to get that minimal test state that I was aiming for. While I didn't go the whole way, I've implemented the first "conversation" of the Chat Mapper example project into a playable game. You can mess with it right here. It is very short, but it helped me straighten out the last few functionality bugs on dialog. If you manage to crash it or break something, please let me know.

These are the controls so far.
Mouse click - advance text, activate button
Ctrl Key - Speed up/skip text.
1 key - Quick save
2 key - Quick load

The other major feature that's in is the load/save feature, which I cannot recall if I ever got working before. It works in this simple version but should also function once I implement more complex objects. In the future I expect to build a complete interface to access saves.

With this big hurtle done, most of the key functionality is implemented. The remaining work is pretty much all UI for basic screens and various modals. These need to be designed out first and will most likely depend on what sort of project I plan to use the engine for. While it may seem obvious what I'm planning on doing with the engine, I wont make any official announcements until I've created enough plans and designs before hand. 

For the technically inclined, I've included a pastebin of my XML file used for this example here and the resulting library class here. I'm interested in making the tools and the engine I've developed opensource but for the time being I've attached some licensed software into the mix. If anyone has any experience dealing with opensource work, please contact me as I'm pretty clueless on how this works. Thanks.


  1. This is very sleek and impressive, though I am a plebeian.

  2. Hi there

    are you still working on Cow Girl Farmer?

    I tried to autopsy it to make it more interesting but after opening the fla. file in flash cs3 and just using publish preview it would show the main menu with 4 options and clicking the new game option leads to nothing

  3. So has this game been abandoned?
    I really liked where it was going...

    1. CGF as it was originally conceived is very much dead in the water.

      I am still planning something that centers around cow girls but is more of a visual novel.
      I've gotten myself in all sorts of business so I haven't found time to work on it, thus haven't officially announced anything.

      On a positive note, a developer named CuddleBeam seems pretty set on reviving/transforming the CGF concept from scratch in his own image. We haven't communicated at all so I dunno what he has planned but what little there is sounds great.

  4. If that is his DA name he already has a project posted to Indiegogo named Cow Girl Farmer with 33 days to go and still needing 7,500 Euro. Shame your old project didnt get off the ground.

    Like to the Indiegogo

  5. audience: who cares if they aren't updated and in the know
    progress: who needs to make it any more
    fan base: oh just fuck'm
    projects: it's done once the next idea comes up

  6. so what is it like not making anything any more and upsetting people, is it fun?

  7. almost been a year now. good going asshat
