Saturday, August 13, 2011

Design Phase in Progress

The discussions on the forums have been pretty great.  Many ideas have been tossed around and the game concept is looking much better than what I initially conceived.  I'm also quite pleased to see the excitement for this sort project as that's what I feel pushes developers towards finishing what they started.

Conceptually, I see this game looking similar to Daisy Strike's Other World game with the multiple characters being trained simultaneously at a single home, but our big feature is transformations over time.  In other words, all sorts of weight gain and body expansion, and a few body modifications.  Early versions of the game will use merely text and unspecific images, but I imagine getting something as awesome as the paper dolls Daisy Strike is using with all the various stages of growth. That will depend if I ever get some dedicated artist on board, but that's something to think about for a later time.

For now, I'm still wrestling with some design choices, like what activities to have, what sort of cow girl job specifications to use, and even the exact setting.  I'm also testing out some game engine features by experimenting with stuff using XML files for loading content and some other not so fancy things.

Lastly, I want to keep this project pretty open and transparent, so I'm seeing about getting either a google group or a pbworks site, and see if I can get a subversion server from Assembla or something. I'll see how to give people access at the appropriate times.

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