Sunday, August 28, 2011

Building Interfaces

Hey peoples, I've been pretty busy with a part time job this weekend, but I wanted to share with the progress I've made thus far. Much of the back end is done especially the text parser and the event system I've implemented. The other parts will be implemented as their needs arise.

The focus these past few days has been creating the interfaces in which the game will be played in. Essentially, these are the screens in which all the action will happen in. I'm not quite sure if I'm using the most efficient setup, but I have movieclip objects for each of those possible screens which a manager will actively toggle and switch between depending on the needs of a particular event. Since I'm using Flash Builder 4.5 to develop this game, I'm now able to import graphics and objects I make directly into the project. This is great as the Debugger can recognize these and actually provide useful information instead of just telling me I borked it. Soon I'll have a small portion of the game flow working, such as player creation and limited options for cow girl activities. Will probably quite a few weeks more before I being asking for alpha testers to get in on this.

As far as the idea front, I'm drawing blanks. Just been so busy with other stuff that all I can do is aim for getting this game working. There have been some more good ideas discussed in the forums and I'll be digging through some of those when I get my head a bit more clear.

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