Thursday, July 12, 2012

Designing, Planing and Less Coding

I've been trying to get around the whole lack of physical coding time by spending most of my downtime time just writing designs and code in a notebook. Hopefully this will end up saving tons of time for when I actually get a chance to do more work on my computer. I'm really happy with the architectural changes I've been making which is shape up to be a huge improvement. I think I have what I desired with screens utilizing a form of Model View Controller relationship. I've decided to use a combined Viewer and Controller relationship with custom models that are then attach. These individual screens will be self sufficient, and not rely on accessing pure Global variables. Before I had a separate manager that were running a muck changing code in too many different classes at once. The new screen manager will simply load and unload screens as needed and the dialog editor will actively drive the event logic for the screens. For example, when you enter town for the first time, you maybe greeted by an npc and share a small conversation. Later when you go back to town, the script will remember that you already had that conversation. This will work nicely for events that will happen in common areas, but the exact sequence of these dialogs will be managed all through the dialog editor. These scripts will be running on top of the primary farm game mechanics allowing for me to properly separate out the various levels of interaction. I still have quite a bit of planing to do, and I'm hoping I get more time to actually mash some code in, but I believe it's coming along nicely.

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