Friday, June 15, 2012

Change of immediate Plans

While coding the farming screen items I discovered how poorly my button group code was made. It's not very well made for dynamic instances. For instance, I wanted to put multiple field instances on the screen in which would have a changing button that would turn from "Plant Seeds" to "Harvest Crop" or hide the button. Not to mention the fact that I wanted the number of field objects to be dynamic. My current system would require a ton of hard coding that would be useless to me once I switch over to a better system.

So I went and spent last night getting headway on doing the refactoring first. This means that farm system testing update I planned wont be coming out soon until the refactoring is done. This is necessary due to the nature of development. You simply don't have all the proper solutions until you understand the types of issues you encounter during the development itself.

I really do hate leading people on and not delivering but I know that the only way I can progress is if I can do these other lengthy changes first. I'll be sharing my progress through design change explanations and interface previews like I had sometime before. In parallel, I'll also be focusing on building tools for testing particular features that require fine tuning. Gagecoalbrace had helped give me the idea to build a tool for testing the growth system independently from the game. It could utilize volunteers to try and balance variables to make the outputting results more reasonable. I'll be sure to let you guys know when this one is ready as well.


  1. I am Glad I could be of help. I always wanted to help the game making process in anyway possible. My main problem is I lack any knowledge of coding and that stuff. so play testing and ideas are the best I can do.

  2. Hey, it's far better to let us know about these delays and why than to go silent, or feel that you have to push out an inferior version of the game to sate us.
