Thursday, March 8, 2012

Working on Store Inventory

I've got a nice block of time to work with today between 1:00 to 4:00PM. I figured I'll make it a stream to make up for the lack of updates yesterday. I'll be working on getting store stuff in, and I'll have the mic on so you can ask me anything. I'll also be connected to Fenoxo's chat. Like usual, use the link is on the sidebar or below.

Join me on livestream here. Now Online. Stream over.

During the stream I've managed to develop a bit of the store system and made the store inventory box. It consists of a definable amount of drag drop buttons that display their prices. Hovering over them will identify the item as well as give its description. You can see this in the image below.

I have quiet a few more things to go before the store is ready for use. While the player inventory will be very similar to the code I wrote for the store's, I still need to get the shopping cart and a bunch more buttons working. Hopefully, things will continue to go smoothly.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic.

    And the hover text also fixes one other problem, which was telling the player what the item does.

    Otherwise I had to experiment, while keeping one cow unchanged in anyway to see the differences :V
